Mandurah is blessed to have such beautiful animals inhabit our waterways. Below are ways you can help ensure their safety

The Dolphins are at GREAT danger of stranding in low tides in many areas of the Peel - Harvey Estuary.
A particular danger zone is Lake Goegrup at the end of the Serpentine River in summer. Also cox bay, boggy bay, etc.
Every year many dolphins accidently strand and have to wait for hours in the hot sun for the tide to rise again. A few lucky ones are seen by the public and get help but many simply have to wait all day getting stressed dehydrated and severely burnt.
Whenever youre out on the water please keep an eye out across the shallow banks especially during those super low spring and summer tides
As well dolphins or whales may strand alive or dead on the beaches.

When stranded the dolphins become severely sunburnt and many mandurah dolphins still bear permanent white scars on their bodies from strandings.
If you find a stranded animal cover its body with a wet towel or material. Note- Never cover the blowhole or let any water enter the blowhole

Fishing Line entanglement
This is becoming an increasing concern with several dolphins showing some degree of entanglement with fishing line
The dolphins can ingest the line or the line can gradually cut through their skin causing disfigurement, allowing bacteria to enter and can lead to death.
Please discard all fishing line properly
Pick up any line or plastics you see
Use biodegradable fishing line

Boat traffic
As mandurah's population grows so does the boat traffic.
Please slow down near dolphins
Do not drive over or through pods
and give the dolphins plenty of space
especially if they have young

Shark bite
The dolphins enjoy the safety of our inland waters however they do roam out into the ocean daily and here may encounter sharks
In their favour dolphins are remarkable healers, this dolphin survived.
If you see a dolphin in distress call
24-hour emergency number: WILDCARE (08) 9474 9055
Mandurah volunteer dolphin rescue group 0407090284
Dept of parks and wildlife 9219 9840
mandurah rangers 9550 3630
What TO do:
1. Put your safety first and call for help ASAP.
2. See if the animal is still breathing through its blowhole. Check that the blowhole is not trapped underwater or covered up. It may be helpful to gently roll the animal onto their belly so that the blowhole is facing upwards and clear.
3. While waiting, try not to make much noise.
4. Keep the animal’s skin moist with buckets of water and cover with a wet towel or material if possible, completely avoiding the blowhole area.
5. Listen to and follow the wildlife officer's instructions.
What NOT to do:
1. DO NOT put your safety or the safety of others at risk.
2. Do not cover the blowhole and do not pour water down/near the blowhole.
3. DO NOT stand close to the tail or head.
4. DO NOT immediately attempt to push the animal back out to sea. Dolphins can survive for hours out of the water if necessary so do not immediately panic. Whales need to be taken far offshore.
5. DO NOT apply sunscreen even if the animal’s skin is burnt.
We are currently trying to raise funds for much needed specialised rescue equipment.
It is illegal to attempt to harm or feed a wild dolphin with fines of up to $10,000 applying.

Other ways to help...
If youre a kayaker fisherman crabber etc on the days of the super low tides in spring and summer it would really help the dolphins if you could keep an extra eye on Goegrup Lake or the very shallow areas around the peel inlet.