A history of all past rescues is listed here
Here are a few successful rescues in depth
Well done to those involved!
If you see a dolphin in distress remember to always call for assistance first! 9474 9055 and 0407 090 284

Dolphin stranding 13.3.97
6 mandurah dolphins were successfully rescued from stranding on 13.3.97. To read their story click here. Participating in this rescue formed the beginning of the volunteer rescue group.

Calf with mass fishing line entanglement rescued
2nd August 2009 – Thanks go out to the many people who reported a calf in the Dawesville cut with a huge mass of fishing line and seaweed tangled on its body and tail, making it very difficult for the little calf to swim.
We’re happy to report wildlife officers and the rescue group immediately attended on Sunday 2th August and after a lengthy rescue effort was successful in removing the huge mass that was tangled round the calf including fishing line and many hooks.
Its fin is however was very mangled from the fishing line cutting across it and the top third is nearly off. Well done to the wildlife officers for a huge effort and their success.
We do ask the public to PLEASE remove any rubbish you may see in/around our waters.Fishing line, plastics, ropes etc in particular!
Everyone's favourite HALO! 2016
6 May 2016 - Dear little 3 month old male Halo was sadly seen entangled with thick rope and line late friday night by mandurah cruises. A rescue plan was formulated - an almost impossible task to unentangle such a small fast moving animal with a protective mum. Happily on Tuesday 10th May with huge assistance from Doug Coughran of DPaw, mandurah dolphin rescue volunteers and other caring individuals from mandurah cruises and mandurah dpaw the ropes were successfully cut from halos body! Thankyou everyone who assisted or called in or helped in any way to make sure our little Halo was ok. Halo is now a healthy and very naughty one year old ( 2017).

Dolphin rescue July 2009
A stranded bottlenose dolphin was rescued by Department of Environment and Conservation staff, the rescue group and volunteers at Golden Bay on 14.7.2009.
DEC senior wildlife officer Doug Coughran said the 1.7m male dolphin, aged between two and three years old, was found alive on the beach
“When we arrived we were pleased to see that although the dolphin was stressed, he looked healthy and was in a good condition,” Mr Coughran said.
“It seems the dolphin had made a judgmental error on its travels and became stranded inside the breaker line.
“Due to the difficulty with moving the animal back out past the breaker line, a decision was made to transport the dolphin by road to the nearest boat ramp.”
Mr Coughran said the dolphin was then placed onto the DEC Shoalwater Islands marine park vessel.
“We were then able to successfully release him into calmer and deeper waters and the dolphin was last seen clearing the water and enjoying several leaps while heading in a northerly direction,” he said.
thanks for Mandurah coastal times for above article ( here)
2 dolphins rescued from Black Lake
2 large male adult dolphins were rescued from the lower reaches of Black Lake. The dolphins were unable to exit the lake themselves due to a series of low tides and as water levels decreased and water temperature increased they began swimming less and less eventually staying in the same place without purpose, completely unable to leave.
They were returned to the safety of the Serpentine River thanks to Dpaw staff, volunteer rescue group, other volunteers,kayakers and black lake residents,
Read about the rescue here
Wayward Kristen helped back to deeper water 2017
9 Jan 2017 - Kristen a young male about 5yrs old was unable to move from a small pool area at Herron Point due to sandbars forming all around. He had already been there for several days with very low tides and severely hot temperatures forecast for rest of the week. Many thanks to all who called it in and to all who helped! Kristen was moved by sling back to deeper safer harvey estuary. We seen Kristen many times since regularly healthy and happy.

Dolphin issues worldwide
Sadly at Taiji Japan dolphin are still slaughtered as meat and many taken from the wild for the captive industry. You can help stop this unnecessary barbaric slaughter by clicking here